7 Deadly Sins of Reading


This tag was created by BookishMalayza on YouTube, and I’ve been tagged by JJ on twitter. I’m doing it here because twitter gives me a headache.


1) What is your most expensive book, and what is your most least expensive book?

My most expensive book to date is probably the History of Botanical Science set. It came with the original text and a beautifully illustrated updated edition. My least expensive books are those I rescued from library and yard sales. They ranged from a penny to a quarter, and they’re all older, out of print SF/F hardback editions.

2) Which author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

Neil Gaiman. Love his writing, don’t like his stories. Does that even make sense? I like his way with words, but I don’t particularly like how his stories turn out. They always seem to stop short of a full ending, which I have no problem with if the books were part of a series, but they’re not, so that’s a bit unnerving. Before Gaiman came along, this spot used to belong to Stephen King but for the exact opposite reason–love his stories, hate the way his writing drags on.

3) What book have you deliciously devoured over and over again, with no remorse whatsoever?

I rarely reread books, not even ones I love, because of time constraints. But I do revisit books I didn’t like the first time around, just to give them a fair chance. None has wowed me yet though. If anything, I end up taking away a star following the reread. The only books I remember reading more than twice are Wild Seed, Outlander, and The Hunger Games.

4) What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?

I don’t neglect books out of laziness but rather a desire to avoid whatever unpleasant subject matter those books contain. Needless to say they’re all nonfictions jam packed with unpleasant politics. Most times my desire to learn win out, but sometimes I have to work myself up to do some prelim research before I start reading.

5) What book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?

I…don’t do that, at least I don’t think so. I mean, if sounding “intellectual” was important to me, I’d do what everyone is doing, and that’s bringing up Bret Ellis Easton and Donna Tartt in almost every breath. Or I’d casually drop a reference or two about Infinite Jest that only those who’ve actually read it would understand. But I don’t do it because I’m not an intellectual (read: asshole). 😉

6) What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?

I don’t…know? I don’t find characters attractive. I mean, I understand when other people say they’re attracted to certain characters or call them their ideal mates or whatever, but that doesn’t happen with me. I “gauge” characters by how believable they are to me, how believable their thoughts and actions are to me, and whether or not I’d like them if they were real people. Does that make sense? Whether I’m attracted to certain characters doesn’t apply into the equation, which is why I have no problem reading about unpleasant or deplorable characters.

7) What books would you most like to receive as a gift?

One sure way to get me to read a book is to gift wrap it. Usually I have no preference and welcome any book as a gift because, like people say, it’s the thoughts that count. I’m more interested in what the book means to the gift giver and why they want me to read it, than I am in the book itself. But currently I have one book-thing in mind: the hardback editions of Chris Wooding’s Tales of the Ketty Jay, preferably the editions with the original cover art. If anyone has been able to find the complete series and send it to me, I’d appreciate it greatly (and love you forever!).

As you might have noticed, I’m very particular about book editions and cover art, but that’s only when it comes to books I buy for myself. I don’t expect anyone to understand my–sometimes ridiculously specific–book specifications. I appreciate all gift books in whatever shape and form they come in because it’s the thoughts that count.


I’m tagging everyone who wants to do this, and I look forward to your answers!